Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

Overall, I feel I did pretty well in meeting my goal for Standard 5c: “evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning”. I have been able to find some good educational technology blogs and read about some interesting new ideas that have been implemented in the classroom. This can be difficult since I do not teach a core class but rather business and computer courses. There is traditionally a plethora of websites and databases available on content-specific courses, but business tends to fall through the gap. Since we are on summer break, I will know more about the effectiveness of my GAME Plan at the end of the first semester in December since I will have time to implement and reflect on it. I have learned that there are ample resources available for both teachers and students to use in the classroom and that it just requires the time and patience to locate them. I do not have any questions at this time, but I have learned that technology is ever changing so I will need to keep current on new trends and concepts as they happen. Since my goal is to keep introducing new content once a month, I may need to adjust this more or less depending on my workload at the school or how effective the new activities are.

With Standard 4d: “develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools”, I have not had near enough time to spend fulfilling this goal during the summer due to my busy coaching and summer-work schedule. However, I feel I have set solid guiding actions to help prepare me for an activity of this magnitude. I have learned that I do not want to jump into an activity like this without having all of my bases covered to help eliminate as many potential problems as possible. I also lack the experience in dealing with this type of activity so I have a lot to learn in that regard. I will likely need to adjust my plan so I can work with a mentoring teacher who has participated in this type of activity before so I can follow their lead and learn from their guidance and leadership.

1 comment:

  1. You sound confident in your approach. Congrats. You probably have a few options regarding learning about the cultural makeup of your population. Visit the ELL teachers, visit the Language Teachers, also meet with the guidance councilors, the Speech Language Pathlogist, the home-school coordinator and the social workers in your building. They can be a wealth of information for you. They can also get you pointed in the right direction.
