Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Utilizing Blogs in the Classroom

Introduction to Business - Grades 9-12

One activity I could use a blog for would be to complete "Business Article" assignments. Within these "Business Articles", students read a recent news story that is related to business, marketing, or a specific product or company. They post a link to the article, provide a short summary, and then provide their thoughts and opinions. Students can then provide feedback, ask questions, and interact in an online environment with their peers.

This blog provides a real-world application and awareness about business. Students are able to enhance their online discussion skills as well as overall writing and paraphrasing skills. Furthermore, this provides a technological familiarity for students as many use similar social networking sites in their personal lives.


  1. I never would have thought about the business aspect of using blogs. There are millions of real life examples that they could blog about. This would give the students a sense of ownership and pride. This type of activity would also allow for the students to directly connect to the websites of the business' / products that they are talking about in their post.

    The only thing that I could see wrong with an activity with this would be how to censor the students in what products / companies that are researching.

    The only thing that I could see wrong with an activity with this would be how to censor the students in what products / compines that are researching.

  2. For the most part, I believe I would keep it pretty open ended so the students were reading articles that were of interest to them. For example, if a student was writing an article based on the anticipated sales of an upcoming video game, I see no reason to filter that as the video game sector is such a large portion of the entertainment industry. In addition, that particular topic garners much more interest from the student. As long as the article has some business or marketing relevance (they shouldn't be writing about a recent NASA launch, for example) and is interesting to the student, I am all for letting the students spread their wings and fly with it!

  3. It seems to me that the blog would be a great place to create competitive class business teams. Kind of like that reality show with Trump. You could create a fictitious product, they could meet in blogs to determine the selling price of product based upon what you say the cost is, They could determine the marketing strategy, return on investment,cost of sales based upon overhead, etc. Each week, you could post fictitious sales numbers and see how they change there strategies. Can they meet payroll, cost of healthcare, etc?? Wow, I would have fun in this class!!

  4. I like your idea for two reasons. First is the fact that you are incorporating blogging into your classroom. I believe that this can be a great way for students to connect with each other in a safe environment and have school topics and learning on their mind. The second reason is you are requiring the students to read current articles about business. Many of our students do not read newspapers or magazines that are related to current events. By setting up an assignment that allows the students to choose what type of business article to read, I feel you will get the students to buy into your purpose.

    Max Mills

  5. I like your idea of using a blog to do a business article summary. I think this is a new way of students doing so called current events, and they can post they results in real-time and have discussions with their peers based on their individual findings. I believe this provides a collaborative work environment in which the students would enjoy. The only problem would be maintaining the blog and making sure it was censored correctly.
