Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Throughout the Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society course, I have found my technology skills are currently at a level that fit the demands of my classroom. These skills have increased as I have also added new tools to my educational arsenal in the form of blogs, wikis, and podcasts. Previously, I had known what each of these tools were, but had very little personal or educational experience with them. By experiencing them firsthand I now feel much more comfortable not only using them in my daily life but, more importantly, integrating them into my classroom lessons.

As a teacher I know the importance of utilizing technology in the classroom as it plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of our students. As technology continues to be a critical part of businesses throughout the world, it is essential that we prepare our students for this by giving them the opportunities to utilize and experience themselves with a wide variety of technological tools. We must provide our students with the opportunities to broaden their horizons.

I have also come to understand that students are now part of an information society where it is essential for them to be able to filter through massive amounts of available information in order to find the answers they are seeking. My students know that I do not have all of the answers to their questions, but are aware that if such as question does arise that we will investigate it together. I do not see myself as the all-powerful and all-knowing facilitator of education, but rather the vessel that guides students from one educational experience to another. By striving to connect to my students in a variety of ways, my aim is to provide them with a wide range of styles and lessons to help develop their overall repertoire of skills, rather than focusing on their strong skills.

I believe that being a technological leader within my high school and district will allow me to expand my knowledge of technology and help increase student achievement. I believe that students should have a well-rounded set of skills rather than just a few strong skills, and I hope to provide the opportunities for the students to be able to do so. In addition, I hope I can be a resource for colleagues who wish to transform their own classrooms with the use of technology. In order to expand my own repertoire, I plan to continue to pursue my degree at Walden University, stay current with latest technological innovations and trends, and be a technological pioneer and leader within my district.

My current classroom has essentially already been transformed into a technological asset for learning, but I do have further plans to continue to increase and develop it. One goal I have created is to attain webcams for my students to be able to create video podcasts. I feel this will allow them to still be able to complete traditional assignments, but in a format that is much more relevant and exciting to their own personal lives. A second goal I have is to use online technology to collaborate with another school in regards assignments or projects. Currently, my classroom is limited to functioning within the realm of the school. I would like to be able to have my students participate in online discussions, either synchronously or asynchronously, with peers outside of our walls. I feel this type of activity will benefit the students as it will help prepare them for a world that uses technology to communicate with others from afar on a daily basis.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Student Technology Podcast

I have created a student technology podcast in which I interview three students about their use with technology inside and out of the school. You can listen to the audio podcast here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evaluating 21st Century Skills

After reviewing The Partnership fo 21st Century Skills website, the first impression I received from it was how professional the organization truly is. Everything on the website is designed flawlessly and provides much information in regards to various different areas all related to 21st Century skills.

I was surprised to notice that my home state, Illinois, is one of the states that has a Leadership Initiative that designs new standards and assessments to prepare students with 21 Century skills. This makes me proud to be part of the great state of Illinois and to see that we are changing with the times and helping to take the lead in an important agenda.

While I do not disagree with anything on website, I do feel the implications of understanding and utilizing this skillset will have an impact on today's students. With the increasing trend towards technological innovations and tools, it is vital that students stay up-to-date with these trends and that we, as educators, are doing everything we can to help provide them with the necessary skills and experiences in order to succeed when they move beyond our hallways. As always, a life as an educator means that our education truly never ends as we, too, must stay current with technological trends and advances and use this technology to aid us in the classroom.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Utilizing Blogs in the Classroom

Introduction to Business - Grades 9-12

One activity I could use a blog for would be to complete "Business Article" assignments. Within these "Business Articles", students read a recent news story that is related to business, marketing, or a specific product or company. They post a link to the article, provide a short summary, and then provide their thoughts and opinions. Students can then provide feedback, ask questions, and interact in an online environment with their peers.

This blog provides a real-world application and awareness about business. Students are able to enhance their online discussion skills as well as overall writing and paraphrasing skills. Furthermore, this provides a technological familiarity for students as many use similar social networking sites in their personal lives.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Blog Post

Testing first post.